Thursday, April 21, 2011

We're back

I'm finally getting caught up on chores around the farm. Abby helped worm and weaned older lambs today. We also brought up the 4 ewes still left to lamb. The new TX sheep are doing well and getting used to the dogs here and there. I'll wait to break them until I put them with the ewes and lambs. All the lambs are doing well now, eating well and gaining weight. I just hope the last ones hurry up and come!
Sorry to say I'm still having trouble uploading the embed codes for the videos from the Nationals. While the runs weren't great it still would have been fun to see them. I've gotten them up to youtube but blogger is not letting me post them... I'll see if I can get it figured out. Taking the FL Native whethers to be shorn tomorrow, what fun, three stinky sheep in my car!


  1. Click the option "Use old code" after you click "embed". I don't know what the new code does besides nothing on my WordPress Blog either. Then we can watch on video what we may have missed live.

  2. Thanks Penni!
    Seems to have worked like a charm!:-))
